Weekend Update – July 13, 2024

Weekend Update – July 13, 2024

Urgent weekend River update:

Current River temperature 78°.

River level at Latham 8.05.
No wake level 8 ft.

As of 8:00 a.m. Saturday July 13th sheriff Gary Caruana is lifting the no-wake restriction on the Rock River in Winnebago county.

We do have rain in the forecast for Saturday Monday and tuesday.
If too much rain falls in our 6,000 mile drainage basin to the north this could cause River levels to rise and the decision be updated.

The back to Blue boat parade is set for Sunday at Shorewood Park and will start at 2:00 p.m.

The flotilla of boats will proceed downstream on the West Bank to the State Street bridge.
Look forward to seeing our sheriff and all of the supporters of law enforcement out on the river for this annual event.

Before all the haters come out against the minor adjustment that was made today at our dam to maintain 1.5 from Auburn Street South.
The pecatonica River has crested which is helping our River Fall below the no wake level.
The auto gate at Beloit did make a adjustment today a little more closed because of their flow rate decreasing.

I know there is always going to be some people that have extremely low shorelines and low backyards that will not be happy that boat waves are starting again.

As a homeowner on the river myself it is my responsibility to protect my shoreline to 10 ft at Latham for erosion control.

Our water level in downtown has a minimum that must be maintained to not do damage to boats or Park district docks located in downtown rockford.

I ask all residents that will be out boating this weekend to be observant of the Wake you are creating.

A boat creates much less of a disturbing wake when it is up on plane as opposed to plowing along at 15 miles an hour and throwing a big roller towards homeowners shorelines.

The sheriff and ComEd work in conjunction with the homeowners association to provide as much enjoyment and economic influence that our River creates for Winnebago county.

Please be cautious this weekend with the extra boat traffic that will be out in conjunction with the Swift moving current that is still occurring on our River as well with other rivers in illinois.

Let’s have a great back to Blue boat parade support group this Sunday.