Weekend Update

Weekend Update

Weekend River update:

These sunny days are warming our River back up a little bit with a current River temperature of 70°.
Should increase a few more degrees this weekend with the warm nights and warm sunny days.
We’ve come a long way since the high water in july.

River level at Latham is about 6 in from drought level.

Pea Island has a very nice Beach on the south end.
If you are using the beach between the power lines South be careful of poison ivy up in the grass area. Should be fine if the kids just stay on the beach.

The wire that was hanging down on the Jefferson Street bridge was taken care of today and no longer poses a hazard.

The days are getting shorter and fall is only a week away.

I know we can’t make up for lost time but we all should enjoy the river for the last few warm weekends of the season that we probably will have.