• Spring 2021 Update

  • River Update: The NWS has just put projections on the pec. and rock rivers for next week. It is not horrible but thought you should know. Latham is projected to rise to 7.5′ by Friday. This would be a 2.5′ rise from where we are currently at. It appears this is going to be coming from the pec. river increase in flow. The pec. river is projected to rise 4′ by next weekend. As a rule the first projections are usually on the high side and as the rain path is more defined the projection will most likely be adjusted. As I hear from Scott Lincoln I will keep you updated to any changes. It is advised to check your sump pumps this weekend to make sure they didn’t cease up over the winter. We have lost half of the snow cover we had so hopefully there is less of a chance of that melting surge happening. Sheriff Caruana will keep a close eye on river levels and make adjustments to our dam as conditions change for our basin.